Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We only collect the personal information we need or generate to carry out Re:Scam’s services.  

We collect: 

• Your email address to facilitate communication between our Re:scam email and AI tools regarding scam emails you send to us and to inform you of the outcome of your submission. 

• Your IP address to analyse and identify from where in the world potential scam activities are being reported to us and for the security of our system 

• Analytics, cookies and pixel data to inform about your use of the Re:scam website such as the search terms you used, device used, type of browser and pages accessed.  

The information we collect and retain is also used for the following additional purposes: 

• To detect suspicious activities and patterns that may indicate scams or abuse of our systems; 

• To educate by providing a Re:scam replay service and information and educational materials to help you follow your forwarded scam email and improve your scam literacy; 

• To deter by implementing measures to prevent future scam activities and improve the security of our systems; 

• To communicate by informing you about detected scams and providing updates on our anti-scam efforts through our website at 

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at

Join us in the fight against online scams and help make the internet a safer place.

Join us in the fight against online scams and help make the internet a safer place.

Join us in the fight against online scams and help make the internet a safer place.